DebtFinancial Success

3 Things You Need To Consider For Your 2019 Resolutions

The new year is literally a day away! Many of us take this time to think about what all we have been through in the current year. It can be good thoughts, bad thoughts, or just plain tired thoughts. If you are like me, I look forward to starting a new year. There is so much potential in the coming year, which comes with excitement the possibilities. Although some people make resolutions, so many fail to ever achieve them. Consider making some solid goals instead of resolutions. Think about the following items when making your goals for 2019!

1) The Easy Win

Often-times we make outrageous goals or resolutions in an attempt to make the new year “THE” year we make a difference. However, this way of thinking rarely works. We may start out strong, but we quickly fade out to right back where we started. By the end, you may have only accomplished parts of your resolutions/goals. When making these goals, consider making some easy wins up front. These are going to be the ones you KNOW you are going to get done. Once they are done, you will be pumped up to keep going on the rest of your list.

2) Focus On Achievable Things And Have A Plan

Making a list of things you want to accomplish in the new year is great. However, not knowing necessarily how you are going to achieve them is not a great way to start. Thus, it is important to ensure you are focusing on the achievable things. Sure, having a goal to be a millionaire in the coming year IS achievable, it might not be very realistic. You can still have goals like this, just be sure to focus on the items which can be done, but aren’t necessarily guaranteed. Below the goal write out a quick plan of how you are going to achieve your goal. If you can think of a realistic way to achieve your goal, it may not be appropriate to be listed.

3) Make Finances A Priority

We live in a world where our economy is a necessity. Our lives depend on having money and jobs to survive here. Make this new year the year you take control of your finances. The average consumer debt is still rising, and more people are still living paycheck to paycheck. It is time for you to make the goal to destroy debt and master your money. You will likely not be able to get complete control in one year. However, make a generous goal of what you want to do (i.e. eliminate $6,000 of credit card debt). The best news is, you already have a plan you can write down under it! We have countless articles to help you, not to mention we are always available for questions if you want to reach out.

Your 2019 list awaits. If you take some of these thoughts to heart as you are making your lists, you will certainly have a good year. This time next year, you will be able to look back and see how much you have accomplished and be ready for 2020! For now, make 2019 YOUR year!

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