BudgetingFinancial Success

Why your finances are pointless if you don’t consider these things.

What is the purpose of your finances?

This sounds like an odd question, right? Most of us would likely have the immediate response of, “it provides me the ability to provide food, clothing, and shelter for my family,” and as simple as, “It allows me to live in an economy where you have to have money to live.” Ultimately, the answer is subjective. You will have a different answer than someone else. However, even with this difference of opinion, are there similarities which can be seen as an underlying base for us all to find common ground? I would challenge you with some basic questions.

What have you DONE with your finances?

We all have our monthly expenses, debt, and other obligations we have to contend with. I have reinforced this through the push to have your own budget and budgeting plan. This is inevitable. However, if you are following a plan, you should have excess money at some point in your journey. What are you doing with it? Are you paying it all toward debt, saving it all, or using it to buy things you have been wanting? Again, there are no wrong answers here. I am trying to get you to understand what your mindset is and the purpose you have set in place for your money.

How have your finances BENEFITED your life?

Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have all had experiences with money at some point. Have these experiences been good, bad, or indifferent? Why? I think we tend to find money itself is not the issue. This would include too much or lack thereof. Ultimately, money has no underlying motive or can inherently result in one outcome or another. It is driven by the decisions we make with it. So, why do so many of us have bad experiences or struggle with money as much as we do?

How have your finances BENEFITED others?

Often-times we can get caught up in this race to make more money because we think it will provide the comfort and freedom we seek. Although supporting yourself and your family is an admirable cause, what else could you be doing with your money? Are there charities, churches, or other non-profit organizations who could benefit from your money? Some may be hesitant to even think of giving away what little you have, but others will have the ability to make these donations. Again, your money needs to have a purpose, and this purpose is derived from what you make it to be. If you have the abundance, make part of your money have the purpose to help others!

Remember, it is just a temporary TOOL

The sooner we can adjust our thinking about money and how it fits in our lives, the better we will be. These questions are to challenge your understanding of money and your life finances. So often we are caught up in the desires and worldly understanding of needing to make more money to buy more things. However, we are not going to be able to take any of the money or things with us when we leave this Earth. Another crumb of knowledge it to understand you and I may never attain the levels of wealth we see in the papers and on TV. Yes, I know it might come as a shocker, but it is highly unlikely. This is why it is so much more important to make a difference in all aspects of our existence through the use of this tool we refer to as money.

I can almost guarantee you, when you stop looking at it like its something to be coveted and treat it like a hammer, life will be a little less stressful.

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