How to Live With Less – 5 Tips to Start Saving Now
When you start your journey towards living a finance free life, there are many steps to take – reducing your spending, organizing your finances, and becoming satisfied with living with less. This is a different mindset than the cultural norm. Our society says that more is always better, that the newest, shiniest, biggest thing will make you happy. In reality, this consumer mindset is not what satisfies, but simplicity and freedom to spend time with the ones we love is what we truly crave. When you live on a budget and become satisfied living with less, you will find more. More saving, more income, more freedom. Here are 4 tips to help you get started today.
1. Declutter your space. 
This is the first and most important part of being content with what you have. Evaluate everything that you have, and consider if you truly need it. If there is clutter in your home and in your space, it will cause mental clutter as well. Items on your floors, counters, bookshelves, tables, etc. make it more difficult to clean and maintain a healthy living space. Go into your home, room by room, and declutter. Consider each item, as to whether you need it or not. Clothing items – have you worn it in the last 6 months? If the answer is no, you probably won’t wear it again. Donate it! If you don’t love it, don’t keep it. Sentimental items are harder, but consider why you want to keep it. Is it taking up space in your home? Does it truly have meaning to you? Or are you keeping it because you bought it on your honeymoon? Remember that the memories are not attached to the item, but they live on in you.
2. Wants vs. Needs
Evaluate each purchase you make, as a want vs. a need. Remember that you just decluttered your space – do you really need to fill it again with 3 new pairs of shoes, a pile of crafting supplies, more technology? Each item that you bring into your home needs to have a purpose and a place. Every time you make a purchase, ask yourself this question – “Do I really need it?” If the answer is no, don’t buy it! If the answer is yes, evaluate several other things. Did you need it yesterday? Can it wait another 30 days – see if you still need it then. Can you borrow it or rent it? Do you want to maintain it or store it? Just because you think you want something, doesn’t mean you need it right then. There are other options available for items you need to use.
3. Avoid impulse purchases.
Stop and think before making purchases impulsively. Remember that stores are designed to get you to change your mind about purchases, They intentionally place candy bars and magazines by the register, so you will impulsively grab one while you are waiting in line. Toys are placed on the end caps so kids will see them and want to grab them. Avoid anything that is not a need, that is an impulse buy because ultimately, you will regret it later. Now, this is not to say that you can’t buy these things if you want them. But don’t do it on an impulse. Plan for it, and make sure you are willing to store it/maintain it/clean it/etc.
4. Experiences over stuff.
To live with less, you should learn to value experiences over stuff. When giving gifts, or planning holidays with family, keep this in mind. Personally, my most memorable times with my loved ones were not centered around the best gifts I’ve given or received, but the vacations we’ve taken, or the games we’ve played together, and the dinners and parties we’ve had. Quality time and experiences with them are 100 times better than any gift we could receive. When planning gifts for your family, think about ways you can get them to spend time together rather than giving more stuff. When family asks you what you want for a gift, do the same. Ask them to serve at a soup kitchen with you, or donate money to a charity in your name. Instead of accumulating more stuff, grow closer to your family.
These are just a few tips to get you thinking about how to live with less. Living on a budget will help you to learn additional ways to live with less, and other things over money. There is so much more to life, once you are free from the shackles of debt.