Being Smart With Your Money Isn’t Rocket Science
We all tend to have some type of struggle with money at one time or another. Whether we are wasting it on different things when we have too much, or managing what little we have to make ends meet. There are so many variations of this problem, that it has plagued our society in more ways than one. So why have we not been able to get a handle on this? Why has our society continued to let us make the same mistakes over and over knowing what we go through? The simple answer is we all want more. Businesses want more money and we want more stuff. Neither seems to stop and think about the other one’s motives. So then we are destined to fail, right? Nope, not at all. In fact, managing money is not rocket science nor is it a hard skill to have.
The Science – Or Lack Thereof
Managing money is a crucial skill we all must develop at some point if we are to make in this material world. It is crazy simple, and this is why it pains me so much to see so many struggle with it. Managing money is no more than common sense. You spend money based on the logical needs you have including saving some of it. Then, if you have extra, you can either apply it to debt or use it to buy a want. Your decisions and actions create your lifestyle. Regardless of what society tells you you need, it all ends with your decisions. See, simple!
A Simple But Effective Understanding
When I was first learning to drive many many years ago, I was given some very simple advice. You see, when I was learning to drive, I often worried about how other drivers were acting around me or behaving. I wasn’t accustomed to people behaving badly or knowing that some just like to be rude. So, often I was tighten up or feel pressured to make decisions on the road that were wrong. However, the advice I was given by my parents was, “You should follow what you know is right, after all the other drivers are not paying for your insurance.” Essentially, they were saying to not feel pressure into things I shouldn’t be because they are not paying the price, I am. The same is true with your life and money. At the end of the day, society may make you feel like you need to have certain things, but you really don’t
Something To Think About
Imagine you got all of the things you actually wanted that was within your current yearly salary. Would it be worth it? Looking back, was the price you paid worth it to you? Or does it leave you feeling empty wanting more? You see, society wants you to pay the price. They do not care how it affects you. Marketing will convince you that you have to have something and that your life will be great with it. However, this again is just a ploy (much like the other drivers) to get you to do something against what you know is right. So, remember, they aren’t paying your insurance, you are.