BudgetingFinancial Success

Black Friday Shopping Done Right

Black Friday comes around every year, as one of the biggest shopping days of the year. Although it can be very profitable for businesses, it is not always ideal for the family budget. With the right mindset, and a plan in advance, you can have a successful shopping day.

Start with the Mindset

First and foremost, when it comes to Black Friday shopping, you want to start with the right mindset. Going into it, you should know that stores are trying to get you to spend as much money as possible. We like to call this wealth extraction, or consumer traps. (Think of the trinkets and goodies right at the register, to hijack your brain into impulsive purchases.)

The best way to avoid this is know going into your shopping, stores are marketing to you with this intention. Awareness of these traps will help prevent you from being caught up in them.

Have a Plan

The biggest tip for success in Black Friday shopping is having a plan. It is so important for you to know what you are shopping for, so you don’t get caught up in the ambiance of the day. It is very easy to get caught up in the appeal of a “great deal”. But if it’s not in your budget, or if it’s not something you really need, it’s probably not worth the purchase.

When we go shopping on Black Friday, we like to look at the deals in advance by looking at the ads in the mail and online. Once we’ve done that, we also like to think about Christmas presents for our friends and family, and possible things they might want. Almost always, we shop with a list. Either on our phones or a written list, we make sure to shop with one. This prevents us from impulse buying or getting caught up in the deals.

Don’t Forget to Price Match!

The final tip for a successful Black Friday trip is to participate in ad-match options! Most stores participate in “competitor price-match” policies. Before you buy, make sure it’s the best deal, to ensure you get the lowest prices.


There you have it – our favorite Black Friday shopping tips and tricks. What is your favorite store for Black Friday shopping? What deals are you looking for this year? Let us know in the comments below.

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