Financial Success

Delay In Gratification Will Result In The Following Symptoms

These days, instant gratification is the way that society wants you to go. Advertisements are constantly being made to you, telling you to buy this, eat here, shop there, etc. There is no value in waiting, but rather your value is found in having the latest and greatest, the next best thing. In reality, however, more value can be attained from delaying gratification. Rather than using credit, savings or whatever other means to “get it now”, changing your mindset to own in when you can afford it has many benefits.

You buy what you need.

By changing your mindset, you can develop a new perspective on shopping and spending. Rather than purchasing everything you think you need, you can re-evaluate your purchases, and really decide whether or not that item is a necessity. Over time, you may find that you will own less stuff. Deciding to purchase a new purse, a pair of shoes or a new wardrobe will not be as impulsive, because you will be evaluating the true need for the purchase. When living on a budget, there is room for these purchases. There’s no longer a sense of anxiety or fear around these purchases. Instead, there’s a sense of calm, because the budget has you covered.

You have less debt.

Delaying gratification means that your purchases become less impulsive and more decisive. Rather than making purchases on a whim, possibly using financing, you can save for them by intentionally waiting, and choosing to buy when the timing is right. Take the purchase of a vehicle. Instead of impulsively buying a car, for one reason or another, and using dealer financing, you wait a year. Over that time, you’re able to research the vehicle you really want, save more money, invest it, and be intentional about the purchase. Over that time, you have more purchasing power, and more knowledge when you return to the dealer to purchase your vehicle. You’ll know if you’re getting a good deal rather than trusting the salesperson. You’ve taken the time to do your own research. You’ve saved money to pay all cash, or for a substantial down payment.

You have peace of mind.

Have you ever had buyers remorse? If you said no, I know you’re lying. We’ve all dealt with the regret of purchasing something we felt like we shouldn’t have, or regretting a purchase that we can’t return. However, when we delay gratification just a little while, we can avoid buyer’s remorse.  Instead, we can be adequately prepared for purchases. Take the time to plan and prepare for your purchases by thoroughly researching. There is no remorse when you have been able to plan the purchase in advance, compare prices, save, and watch for sales.

All in all, it really is best to delay your purchases just a little bit. Ask yourself, “Do I really need this now? Can I wait 30, 60, 90 days to buy this?” If you can wait, you should! You will be that much stronger financially when you can avoid impulse purchases and can plan for your buys instead.

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