BudgetingFinancial Success

How One Simple Change To Your Budget Can Work Miracles

We all want to achieve that efficiency status with our money. We want to make sure we have enough money to live on as well as to enjoy our lives as well. However, so many of us fluctuate between the good and the bad. Many struggle to stay in that middle ground. On top of all of this, life tends to set in and try to weigh us down as well. Between health, dieting, and time constraints, money is just one more thing to add to an ever growing list. What if though, they were more connected than you know? What if one simply change to your money could actually affect many different items on your list at the same time in a positive way? Story-time!

The Background

This is a short story of a man and wife who have a great income. They don’t have any kids living at home, and for the most part are debt free with the exceptions of some credit cards. However, the cost it took to get there in life for these two was a rough one. As such, health is not the best for either of them. There are many health concerns both historical and current which are concerning. On top of this, their diets are not the best. Thus, their health is not improving via their diets. With limited time to do much in terms of exercise or anything else, they are kind of stuck in a route which does not seem to be getting better. Although their financial situation isn’t hurting, they are spending far too much on takeout and restaurants every month. So, they have a list of items which seem to all need attention, but addressing part of them is not working, until they looked at the budget.

The Story

Through further examining of their situation they decided to take a period of time and cut back on their financial spending. This is much like the financial detox I have mentioned before. As they were spending a considerable amount every month on extra food, they tackled this one first. For one month, an experiment was run to not eat out. They were going to buy groceries and eat in. Well, it was hard at first to say the least. It had been so easy to simply pick up some food on the way home or have it delivered. Now they are forced with having to prepare food and making the time to do it. Although difficult at first, they persevered. A month went by and they were shocked at the results. The couple had not only saved nearly $500 just on food, they each felt remarkably better. Their health had actually improved! Through their choice to now eat in, they became thoughtful of what they were actually eating. As such, they were able to eat healthier meals. Since they felt better, they were more active as well which further contributed to their wellness. Overall, the effect of simply wanting to be smarter with their money paid off in so many more ways than they could have hoped for

Lessons Learned

It can be so easy for us to want to eat out and get something simple. After all, it takes such little effort to go through the drive thru and get something off of the dollar menu. It is cheap food, sure. However, you are getting what you pay for with regards to how it affects you. All of those small little stops add up. You start to spend more and more money on food that you shouldn’t be. Your body also stops wanting to do anything and your health starts to decline. When your health declines, you have to pay more in medical to be cured or feel better. Ultimately, it is a vicious circle. Be smart now with your money and live healthy!

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