
How To Better Use The Money You Have For Others And Yourself

There is a common belief or way of thinking that only those who have money can benefit others. It is this understand that having a lot of money allows us to do  great things for others. Thus, those of us who have average incomes or other debt issues, don’t participate in using what we have to help others. After all, if we are drowning in debt or other expenses, why would I give up my money for other people or things?

I Don’t Have Money To Spare!

Being charitable with what we have is going to be difficult in the society we live in. When everyone is about what we can show for our lives, giving up our wealth for selfless reasons doesn’t work for us. Thus, we shy away from donating money when asked. It is likely not due to lack of empathy, it is due to our desire to not want to use our money.

I Have Too Much Debt!

Another barricade we like to throw out is the debt block. Having debt is a hindrance in our lives. However, is many cases it is not going to be gone over night. It could take some of us years to get it paid off. This also is not taking into consideration what other debt you might acquire during that time. So, it is just easier to avoid being gracious with what we have to avoid being without funds.

I Donate In Other Ways!

Yes, donating your time is wonderful. Time is a valuable asset that we have give up for others. However, our economy does not run on time. The FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) does not meet to discuss what time is going to look like. No, our economy runs on money. Thus, when we are donating things, money is still going to near the top of needs list.

Make A Bigger Difference And Ignore The Excuses

The excuses we could discuss could fill up multiple pages. Ultimately, the truth is that you need to give money as part of your charitable ways. If you are working through a budget to get your finances in order, build this gift in there. If you are of the Christian faith, this should be 10% or more. If your not, this is still a good baseline to start or work towards. Having too much debt is a hard place to be. However, giving away part of your money is well worth it. The reality is, you may never get out of debt (depending on your decisions). Be generous with what you do have while you work through it. Do not wait till “one day when,” because that day may never come. Lastly, giving of your time is noble and needed. However, charitable organizations rely on these funds.

Make the effort today to put your money and wealth to good work. Be gracious and giving with what you have been given. It might even surprise you as to what type of rewards you will reap in return.

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