BudgetingFinancial Success

Is Buying in Bulk Really Worth It?

Buying in bulk can have its perks, but that doesn’t mean that it’s always a good idea. Do bulk deals mean you should buy in bulk when you have the opportunity? Well, let’s evaluate whether or not it really saves you money. Although it may be tempting to buy the 80 oz jar of mayonnaise, or the three month supply of toilet paper, it’s always best to have a game plan.

How much does it cost?

When looking at buying something in bulk, you need to look at the cost. Unit cost is going to be the driving factor here. What this means is you need to look at how much does it cost per item. Some stores do these calculations for you – in the corner of the price tag, it will show a price per oz or price per unit.

But it’s also helpful to know how to do these calculations yourself, so you can understand the true cost of these items. It’s a simple math calculation.

Total price ÷ Unit weight or number = Price per unit

For example, take a bulk option of toilet paper at the grocery store. You can get 30 rolls of toilet paper for $16.29. So, $16.29 ÷ 30 = .543 per roll. You can use this to compare the prices of different toilet paper options and to make a choice of which one is the best option for you.

What should I buy in bulk?

When you’re buying in bulk for your family, consider what you will and will not use. Buying in bulk is not worth it when you will throw away most of the food because it went bad. Even though it may be a good deal if you have to throw away half of it then what’s the point?

Only buy in bulk what your family will use, and what will fit within your weekly/monthly grocery budget. Remember that even condiments, spices, and sauces have a shelf-life. It is better to spend less money and buy only what you need than to spend more, buy in bulk and store it for the long term.

Cost comparison

Let’s look at a cost comparison of buying in bulk. At first glance, it may seem like buying in bulk will automatically save you more money. But when you add up the total grocery bill, the costs are really a big difference.

It’s clear to see some big differences in bulk prices automatically here. But let’s add up the total grocery bill for this family. If we bought in bulk, the bill would be $153.17 in one trip. Let’s try the trip to the grocery store, buying only what we need. Instead, this trip costs $78.58. As tempting as it is to save, the difference between those 2 prices tells a different story. In the long run, you’ll waste less food by buying only what you need. And you’ll spend less money on groceries.

As tempting as it is, it may be a better bet to spend less on your grocery trip buying regular size.

Remember, always stick to your budget. Always compare the prices of the items in the store – make sure you are getting the best deal on the item. And make sure you aren’t buying more than you need. It’s always a better deal to spend a little more per unit price and not waste any food.

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