Financial Success

Top 5 Quarantine Hobbies that Won’t Break the Bank

The year 2020 has been quite the journey so far, and it’s barely April! With everything leading up to it, and now the COVID-19 pandemic, every day is unknown. People around the world are learning a new normal for their daily lives. Between job changes, new daily routines, children being out of school, it is certainly an unprecedented time. On the positive side, what a great opportunity we have to do some of the things we have been meaning to do, and just haven’t had the time, patience or discipline to try. We have some great ideas below for how to spend your spare time during the quarantine.

Start a workout regimen.

It seems like the most common, even stereotypical goal is to “lose weight” or “get fit”. One way or another though, most of the time this goal ends up fading fast. Why not take this time to invest in that goal? There are plenty of workouts that can be done from the comfort of your own home, without any equipment. Due to this crisis, many health coaches and even celebrities are taking to the internet to help people stay motivated around their personal fitness. There are free websites, blog posts, and other resources outlining exercises to do at home. The added bonus – building the daily habit now will help you build the discipline to continue it when we can leave our houses again!

Learn a new skill.

Whether it be cooking, knitting, or even a new language, what better time to invest the time to learn that skill? Many people are taking this time to meal plan, crafting home-cooked meals for themselves and their families most nights of the week. Or, use the time to learn to play the guitar like you’ve always wanted. Regardless of the skill you want to learn, take the time now to investing yourself and learn that skill you’ve always wanted to have. The internet is a wealth of resources, and many companies are offering discounted rates for their online courses! Check it out!

Declutter/reorganize your home.

Being stuck inside all day creates the perfect time to clean, organize and declutter all those spaces that have been neglected in your home over the years. The only downside to this one is where to put the stuff you choose to get rid of! Try repurposing it or finding a friend or family member who may need some of the items you need to declutter, instead of throwing it away. Or designate a space somewhere in your house to store those “donate” or “sell” items when those places reopen in a couple of months.

Indulge in a hobby

Having to be home does not have to be a bad thing. Have you ever thought about starting a new hobby or getting into one that you have barely had time for? Now is the time to enjoy it! Maybe you love woodworking, but you have not really had much time to spend to enjoy it. Perhaps you have countless LEGOs from when you were a kid that had been broken down that need to be built. Regardless of what it is, this is the perfect opportunity to do it! You obviously can’t go anywhere?

DIY/fix your home

I am sure there have been things on your list of household fixes for a long time. There are likely small holes in the wall from old pictures, or maybe a completely devoured baseboard from a monster puppy who you got as a present for your spouse. Regardless, there are going to be things in your home you may need/want to fix. You have YouTube and plenty of time to figure these things out. Plus Home Depot has been labeled as essential, so you will have all of the resources you will need.

Regardless of what you decide to do, just do something. It is not going to really do you any good to sit inside all day and do nothing. Think of this as a blessing in disguise?

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