BudgetingFinancial Success

We All Know What Happens If We Don’t Brush Our Teeth, Right?

Brushing your teeth is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Your dentist recommends you brush them on a regular basis for the purpose of ensuring  your teeth are healthy. If you ignore your dentist and choose not to brush you are likely going to end up having teeth issues later in life. In some cases, you may end up with no teeth left! So, if you know what will happen if you do not take care of your teeth, then why would choose not to? The same is true with your retirement. We are all going to hit retirement at some point, and we will need to have enough money to live on for the rest of our lives. So, if you know it is going to happen, why wouldn’t you prepare for it now?

1) Planning for the future

Understanding you are going to have to retire is a valuable realization. This is especially valuable if you choose to take action. Beginning to plan for your retirement as early as possible is crucial to ensuring you are going to be able to sustain any reasonable sense of a lifestyle when you are no longer working. You should also be taking into consideration the increased medical needs as we age. Your best option is to meeting with a professional such as a financial adviser to ensure you making the appropriate adjustments to your savings to meet your retirement goals. If you start early enough your contributions will be light and will allow you to have adequate time to meet bigger goals. However, if you do not start till later in life, you will likely have a much more difficult time completing your goals

2) Investing in your future

Yes, planning for retirement through monthly contributions to an account is a great way to achieve the goals you are trying to get to. However, do not limit yourself with just the cash portion. There are other ways to invest in your retirement such as real estate. If you are able to afford a mortgage earlier in life, you will have a solid investment. If you are in your 30’s as best, you will have a 30 year mortgage paid off by the time you are going to hit retirement. Thus, you will not have to worry about housing costs when you are transitioning to a time when you do not have an income. Another option if you are able is to invest in multiple homes. Therefore, when you are older you can potentially use these other homes as rental income.

Regardless of how you choose to begin, jut be sure to begin somewhere. Just like brushing your teeth, this is not something you can simply ignore. If you choose to not do anything, you will be faced with the same fate as not taking care of your teeth. You will have not teeth and not money!


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