
When You Know It Is Time To Quit A Job And Move On

We all have the idea of the life or career we want to have. We want to have a great work-life balance, benefits, and great pay. However, one thing we often neglect is the bigger picture. We ignore the truths we may want to so quickly dismiss about a particular job. These are the key things you should be looking for, especially if you work a ton of hours.

1) You Dread Sunday/Monday

I often refer to it as the Sunday blues. It is the anxiousness or dread you might get when you have something big happening in your life on Monday or during the coming week. There is really nothing you can do to help it, except try to stay calm. However, is this is happening every single weekend or even every day, it is a strong indication you may want to re-evaluate your current work conditions. Although I understand some of us have to work a job regardless of how terrible it is, there is also something to be said about the sanity you have to maintain as well.

2) People Wonder If You Sleep At The Office

Aside from entrepreneurs or business owners, sometimes you may get the comments of, “Do you sleep here?” This can be funny at first, but if it is a common thing, there may be more to it. If you are required or pressured into working so many hours that you never seem to go home, this might be cause for alarm. Unless you really want to work an extreme amount of time, it might be time to make a change. Enjoy your life a little bit!

3) When Your Health Is At Risk

Now, this one should be simple one. However, I know many people who would likely still be feeling they need to work even if they were having a heart-attack. Others may go through big traumatic sicknesses and still work crazy hours through it. You have to realize others may try to encourage you to take it easy. It is another thing when your body begins to fight you. Do not ignore the warning signs!

Ultimately, we all will work a good chunk of our lives in some type of a job. Make sure it is something you want to do. Remember, there is a big difference between a job and a career. One you simply get a paycheck, the other you get a professional life to enjoy. Which one will you choose?

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