BudgetingFinancial LiteracyFinancial Success

Why A Six Figure Income Will Solve Your Financial Problems

Yes, the title says it all. A six-figure income will solve all of your financial issues and let you live an amazing life. Except, this is just NOT true. Having a six, seven, eight, nine, or ten figure income won’t make a dent in your financial issues.

More Money, More Problems

Although the thought of having more money to support your lifestyle or live a better life may seem appealing, it will not fix a broken financial system. If you are currently struggling to pay your bills, or have an appetite to live a luxurious lifestyle, more money will not help. Yes, it will help with the symptoms of needing more money, but it won’t do any real benefit to you. Would you take aspirin only if you suddenly broke your leg? No, of course not! You would go to the doctor to get a cast put on it and let it heal. Aspirin and other pain killers will only treat the symptoms. Hit the root of the problems

Your Lifestyle Does NOT Dictate Your Needed Income

Regardless of what some might think, you should not be “Faking it till you make it.”Spending exorbitant amount of money on things you probably can’t afford or don’t need will not benefit you at all. Sure, you may look cool for a bit, but eventually, it will all catch up with you. If you are making $50,000 a year, you should be living within that $50,000. Do not have a lifestyle of a person with $100,000 on $50,000. The math will never add up, and you will wind up losing it all anyway.

Be Realistic With Yourself

If you truly believe you need to make more money for your family, then make the change to make more money. However, be realistic about it. If you have nothing that the market is currently paying top dollar for, do not expect to land a job which pays $100,000+ a year! I am not saying don’t shoot for the stars, rather know yourself. Most jobs which pay high dollar right now require you to have 10+ years of experience, highly educated and work in a profitable field such as finance, law, science (a broader category), or medical. Yes, there are more, but these are the bigger ones. If you have a high school diploma in the current workforce, use different companies who have career paths built in. Some will even offer to help you pay for more education. Ultimately, be smart, and learn as much as you can along the way!

So the truth is, you DO NOT need a six-figure income to make all of your dreams come true and fix your financial issues. The reality is, you can be smart on very little. Jordan and I did it on $32,000 for a couple of years, you can do it too!

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